Look At It This Way

January 5th — February 27th

Archival Images and New Work by photographer Chuck Mishaan – presenting photographic themes and variations from classic black and white film to current iPhone digital technologies.

Saturday January 28, 4-6pm: Join Us for Art Reception

“I used to carry two cameras around with me, one with a wide-angle lens, one with a telephoto lens. Or one with color film, one with black and white film. It depended on the day and my mood. I looked very professional, but I had much to learn. Signing up for classes with various artists at various schools, I learned all the stuff about f/stops, shutter speeds, the Rule of Three, developer, fixer, all that. But the truth is, with all that equipment and learning, the EYE is what makes a photograph work. While snapping pictures through a couple of generations of technological change  (now taking pictures with my phone!), I’m still enchanted by the photographic image.”

To purchase art or for more information on art, connect with Chuck Mishaan at & visit

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Montgomery Row Art Exhibition Space is located on the 2nd floor of Montgomery Row at 6423 Montgomery Street. Enter from Montgomery Street (stairs only) or Montgomery Row parking lots (elevator & stairs). Open M-F 9am-6pm, Sat 8am- 6pm, & Sun 8am-3pm, excluding holidays. Artist receptions are open to the public. Art is for sale unless otherwise noted. To purchase art, please contact artist directly. Sign up to receive notice of upcoming art exhibits. Artists interested in exhibiting, please contact us.